At Sunset Behavioral Health we accept most insurance. There are many types such as in and out of Network insurance plans. In addition we accept many Employee Assistance Program, (EAP referrals). If you are covered by an EAP you maybe entitled to several free counseling sessions. Call the office and we will assist you with all your insurance verification. We will inform you regarding your coverage and copayment if applicable. Please note that some rates vary depending on the service and some may not be covered by insurance. Such as our litigation, forensic, home study and other non- direct clinical services.
What is in network?
In network refers to the insurance company that have contracted our professionals services and we are on their panel. In network also means you usually do not have to meet a deductible. You may have a minimal co-payment.
What does it mean when you have out of network benefits?
Out of network means you can choose any therapist you wish to see and are not limited to the in network panel. You may have to meet a deductible first and then the insurance will begin to cover the services.
What is an EAP?
Many mayor companies have EAP’s (Employee Assistance Programs) that provide their employees the benefit of counseling services for free. For these services you must contact your employer and request if they have an EAP. If they do offer EAP services, you contact them directly and the EAP counselor will give you an authorization depending on the company for 3 to 12 counseling sessions for free. We accept many referrals from various EAP providers.
What is a sliding scale fee or do we have reduced fees?
If you do not have insurance you may wish to request information on sliding scale fee. Sliding scale services are limited and based on proof of income. Reduced fees are usually provided by a registered intern associates.
Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted for payment.
Cancelation Policy
The appointment time you schedule is reserved for you and if you are unable to make your appointment you have 24 hours to cancel the appointment without any cost. In the event that you do not contact the office to cancel your appointment within the 24 hours you are responsible for the full amount.
Schedule an appointment
Call us at (786) 227-6570